17 min read
09 Oct

As Halloween approaches, we’re all bracing for spooky costumes and sugary treats, but when it comes to your business's financials, the last thing you want is a trick hidden in your books. Whether intentional or not, financial discrepancies can haunt your business, affecting cash flow, decision-making, and your ability to grow. 

In the spirit of the season, let’s uncover some common "financial tricks" lurking in your bookkeeping—and most importantly, how to spot them before they lead to nasty surprises. 

1. Overstated Revenue:

The Trick of Inflated Income Revenue is the lifeblood of any business, but overstating it can give you a false sense of security. Inflated income might occur through invoicing errors, premature revenue recognition, or mixing cash flow from loans or other sources with actual sales revenue. 

How to Spot It: 

- Reconcile Bank Accounts Monthly: Your revenue figures should match deposits in your bank account. If not, investigate discrepancies. 

- Match Invoices to Services or Products Provided: Ensure that all income recorded corresponds to actual work completed or goods delivered. 

- Review Financial Statements Regularly: Compare month-over-month revenue to identify any unexplained spikes. Overstating revenue may look great in the short term but can lead to poor business decisions, such as overinvesting in areas where actual performance is lower than it appears. 

2. Hidden Expenses: 

The Trick That Eats at Your Profits While some financial tricks inflate your income, others do the opposite by hiding expenses. Hidden or overlooked costs can distort your profit margins and may cause cash flow issues down the road. 

How to Spot It: 

- Create Detailed Categories for Expenses: Break down expenses into specific categories rather than lumping everything into “miscellaneous.” This can help you track where money is really going. 

- Cross-Check with Vendor Invoices: Regularly compare invoices from vendors to ensure every expense has been accounted for. 

- Audit Your Subscriptions: Businesses often forget to cancel unnecessary subscriptions or recurring fees for services they no longer use. By ensuring all expenses are visible and correctly categorized, you can avoid “surprise” bills and have a clearer understanding of your true financial health. 

3. Improperly Classified Transactions:

The Trick That Distorts Financial Reporting Misclassifying transactions can cause confusion in your financial reporting. For example, recording a capital expenditure as an operating expense may artificially lower your net income in the short term, making your company seem less profitable than it actually is. Misclassification can also complicate your tax reporting, leading to potential fines. 

How to Spot It: 

- Work with a Certified Bookkeeper or Accountant: Financial professionals can ensure transactions are properly classified and help correct errors. 

- Use Accounting Software: Modern accounting software can automatically categorize transactions, reducing the risk of misclassification. 

- Regularly Review Your Chart of Accounts: Make sure your chart of accounts is up-to-date and accurate, with clear distinctions between expense types, liabilities, and assets. By correctly classifying your transactions, you can ensure that your financial reports provide an accurate snapshot of your business’s performance. 

4. Duplicate Entries:

The Trick That Inflates Costs Duplicate entries are an easy mistake to make, especially if multiple people are managing the books. Entering the same invoice twice or recording an expense more than once can distort your financial statements and make your expenses appear much higher than they actually are. 

How to Spot It: 

- Run a Duplicate Transaction Report: Most accounting software will allow you to search for duplicate entries, helping you spot errors before they become a bigger issue. 

- Implement Clear Bookkeeping Procedures: Have one person responsible for entering data or establish a process for double-checking entries to avoid duplication. 

- Regular Audits: Even if you don’t suspect duplicate entries, conducting routine audits will help you catch them and any other hidden errors. Duplicate entries can skew your data and make it difficult to gauge how well your business is performing. Stay vigilant, and eliminate them as soon as they pop up. 

5. Unrecorded Liabilities:

The Trick That Overstates Profit This trick involves failing to account for future expenses or debts, making your books look healthier than they truly are. This can happen if you forget to log an upcoming payment or omit accrued liabilities, like payroll taxes, that will eventually need to be paid. 

How to Spot It: 

- Maintain a List of Outstanding Liabilities: Create a list of bills, loans, and other financial obligations. Review this regularly to ensure all liabilities are recorded. 

- Reconcile Accounts Payable: At the end of each accounting period, double-check that all known liabilities are captured in your books. 

- Review Payment Terms: Be clear about the payment terms with vendors and suppliers so you know when liabilities are due and can track them accurately. Overstating profits by failing to record liabilities is not only misleading—it can also lead to cash flow problems and insufficient funds for important payments. 

6. Cash Flow Shell Games:

The Trick of Shifting Funds Shifting money between accounts or delaying bill payments to make cash flow look better on paper is a trick that can offer short-term relief but creates long-term problems. This practice can distort the true financial picture and hinder your ability to make sound decisions. 

How to Spot It: 

- Track Cash Flow Separately: Don’t rely solely on your income statement. Track cash inflows and outflows separately to get a clearer understanding of how money is moving through your business. 

- Review Payment Schedules: Be realistic about payment schedules and deadlines, and avoid the temptation to push liabilities into the next accounting period. 

- Monitor Bank Accounts Regularly: Keep an eye on all business accounts and compare them with your financial reports to ensure accuracy. Shifting funds may create a short-term illusion of solvency, but it’s a dangerous game that can lead to financial instability. 

Avoid Tricks, Treat Your Books with Care Whether it’s overstated revenue, hidden expenses, or improperly classified transactions, financial tricks can cause significant damage to your business. Treating your bookkeeping with care and performing regular audits can help you avoid costly mistakes. By working with a professional bookkeeper or accountant, implementing the right software, and reviewing your financial statements frequently, you can ensure that no financial tricks are lurking in your books—only treats.